Prof. P. Giannakopoulos, born in Athens, Greece in 1965, where he achieved his education and medical studies before specializing at the Faculty of Medicine in Geneva where he graduated as privat docent in 1997. In 1999 he achieved the board certification as specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy followed in 2008 by the board certification in Old Age psychiatry and psychotherapy and in 2010 he added the Board certification in Liaison psychiatry. In 2005, he becomes Head of the Psychiatry Department of the Geneva University Hospital. Prof. P. Giannakopoulos developed an early interest in Dementia as well as in Alzheimer Disease which led him to be granted several times by the Swiss National Fund for Research since 1994.
The ongoing work at the Faculty of Medicine at the Geneva University is a patient-oriented research together with a translational research addressing the following topics :
– Patient-oriented research,
– Identification of EEG markers of cognitive decline in mild cognitive impairment,
– Identification of biological and neuropsychological markers of cognitive decline in elderly patients with late-onset depression and bipolar disorders,
– Cognitive impact of vascular lesions in brain aging
– Translational research,
– Stereological assessment of AD-related lesions, neuronal and synaptic loss and establishemen tof clinicopathological correlations in the oldest-old,
– Use of recombinant clusterin to prevent ischemic damage in organotypic cultures and after middle cerebral artery occlusion.
Furthermore, a European research fund has granted prof. P. Giannakopoulos together with other main researchers in the topic of the identification of functional and structural biomarkers of AD.